
Kay Durrant


Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership

Job title

Independant Safeguarding Chair


Chair of Hull Collaborative Partnership
Chair of Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership
Chair of Safeguarding Adults

About me

I have been involved in safeguarding work for many years and in December 2020 became the independent chair of the Hull Local Safeguarding Children Partnership. I am a committed individual who believes that Hull children and young people deserve the best we can offer. We as a collective must build healthy partnership relationships where a culture of high support and high challenge is practiced. Strong Leadership is the key to success and the activity we undertake must be focused on our priorities and making a real difference. We must listen and learn and involve those who receive our services and change what’s not working.

I am extremely proud to be part of the Hull Partnership and will always drive continuous improvement and never be complacent. I hold strong views that healthy challenging conversation is at the heart of a system that is committed to continuous improvement. Our children deserve no less than this.